Reflexology for Critical Care




  Critical Care  

Study Conducted:



  United Kingdom   Intensive and Critical Care Unit  



Hayes J, Cox C," Immediate Effects of a Five-Minute Foot Massage on Patients in Critical Care." Intensive & Critical Care Nursing: The official Journal of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses. 1999 Apr;15(2):77-82.


  25 patients were given 68 sessions of five-minute foot massage. Physiological data, which included heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, respirations, peripheral oxygen saturation, were obtained from the patients bedside monitoring system. Results: There was no significant effect on peripheral oxygen saturation but a significant decrease in heart rate, blood pressure and respirations was noted.


  Foot massage was shown to be effective in increasing relaxation in critically ill patients in intensive care.

Reflexology Research provided courtesy of the
American Academy of Reflexology
, Bill Flocco, Director.

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