Reflexology for Mouth, Teeth, Tonsils

3 Studies:

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  Foot Reflexology With Faradotherapy  

Study Conducted:



  China   Yichang First People's Hospital  



Gong, X., "Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Four Cases with Farado Therapy on the FRZ for Lymph Nodes of Upper and Lower Body." 1993 China Reflexology Symposium Report, Beijing, China Reflexology Association, pages 48-50.


  A 54 year old female with bilateral chronic lymphnoditis and chronic tonsillitis was given 20 minutes of reflexology with faradotherapy focusing on the upper and lower lymph nodes daily. She also had Penicillin and some lab tests Her throat pain was gone and tonsils back to normal after 18 sessions.


  Foot reflexology combined with faradotherapy has been shown to be effective for the relief of bilateral chronic lymphnoditis and chronic tonsillitis.

Reflexology Research provided courtesy of the
American Academy of Reflexology
, Bill Flocco, Director.

Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Classes, Reflexology Certification,
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